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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Going green?

It struck me, once again, while visiting my folks in Michigan, that they have been the model of "going green" way before it was a hip little saying that referenced behavior that contributes to the care and concern for our natural resources on planet earth.
Now, I will be clear. They have never, to my knowledge, been motivated by the concern for our natural resources, but rather, the cost of the use of those natural resources. But, hey, who says that's not still "green" right?
All those strange and embarrassing things I had to admit our family did while growing up? Those things would be so cool now!
Some examples: We had solar heat panels installed on the roof of our home.
We separated our trash and only threw away cans and glass (however, rather than recycle the rest, we took it out back and burned it in a barrel) then we consolidated garbage with my grandma and only had the truck make one stop.
Rather than subscribing to the newspaper, we wait until the neighbor is finished reading it and they pass it along by dropping it in the paper box that was affixed to the mailbox for this purpose alone.
Reuse of all bags, boxes, and containers. And I mean all. baggies were washed and reused. Plastic cutlery lasted a lifetime by hand washing and reusing. Napkins were tossed after use, but those were always snagged from McDonald's or someplace anyways. I remember feeling so humiliated when I wasn't allowed to throw away my disposable paper lunch sack, but used it over and over until it finally split and the apple inside went rolling away.
parkay containers became freezer jam containers. Cool whip containers were Tupperware.
We had those high efficiency light bulbs way before anyone else.
We had a water conservation contraption on the shower head that only allowed a stream of water out at a time (picture holding your thumb over the end of a hose so only a stream comes shooting out) ahhh, refreshing feeling in the shower....watch your eyes!
If you left your radio playing or light on in a bedroom without being in there......well, let's just say you didn't do that!
My dad carpooled to work every day for almost 40 years.
We canned and froze our own vegetables and fruit, raised our own chickens (and a couple of hogs when I was really little), hunted for some of the meat (venison, rabbit, pheasant). We had a deep freezer in our basement that could easily fit 5 dead bodies and it was full. We had a pantry that looked like a fully stocked grocery store. Things were bought on sale, in bulk, and frozen or shelved with a date written on them in a magic marker.
OK, that's just a few things off the top of my head. I'm sure there are countless other things. And, in hindsight, I am SO glad they did all of these things (and still do). Because, regardless of their motivation (to save money) it has still reduced the carbon footprint of the Carlson clan.
And, I might add, that by saving all that money, they were able to buy the condo in Florida where they spend each winter (and invite us to visit and vacation for free!)
My parents.....going green. I might have been embarrassed as a kid, but now I am proud.


Little Rose of Sharon said...

napkins? What are you talking about we never used napkins when I was at home. Mostly because back then we never went to McDonalds.....well unless they were getting a coffee.

and what about how thrifty we were on gas. I thought driving out to 23 mile road Kmart was like taking a day trip somewhere.

how about how very smart mom was not to use a bunch of harmfull cleaners like windex. Everyone should know you can clean a mirror with just a spash of water and a bath towel.

Speaking of towels, I don't think we ever ever cleaned with paper towels, it was always a rag or an old shirt.
Wow we were smart.

Sandy said...

Char, Your parents and I would get along quite well. My children tell me I was born in the wrong generation.

I hang my clothes even tho I have a dryer.
I wash ALL bags and clean with only rags.
Freeze,can,slice and dice.
Shower only for 2 minutes...and yes I do get clean.
Wash my wood floors with water and essential oils.
Hit every store in a 30 mile radius on one day so I don't have to travel again that week.
Used to share the bath water with all 5 kids...when they were little. Not something they would ever consider now...they do have their limitations!

I even drink green water.

Maybe that's why I live in the country with a big garden and a tire swing.

Thanks for letting me reminisce and have some connection to your family...cuz I have always wanted to be T's sister! :)

My name is Sandra Jean...just call me Mrs. Green Jeans!

You can keep up with us here: www.farmhousechicks.blogspot.com