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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great week, overall.
Of course, there is always the good...and the not so good, right?
Good: Went to the Metropolitan museum of art Sunday as a family. So cool!
Good: The girls went to an ice skating party with the neighbors on Monday night and had SO MUCH FUN they were floating on a cloud of joy for days!
Not so good: I didn't go with them, so I missed out on some of the fun stories, and they didn't get to bed that night until after 9:30pm.
Good: Found out that our friend/neighbor got back good results from her pet scan and the chemo treatment has been effective in attacking the cancer!
Good: Timm did end up having his third interview with the board for the new school, even though he thought it was going to be postponed AGAIN!
Not so good: Although they told him they would make a decision about appointing him as principal of the new school before they left the meeting that night, they did not do that. So, we continue to wait.......
Good: Timm invited one of the teachers and her boyfriend over for dinner this week.
Not so good: The night before they were supposed to come, she found out that her boyfriend is a lying, cheating, messed up individual who betrayed her completely.
Good: Timm happened to stop by this teacher's apartment to visit RIGHT when she had discovered the above information. So, he was able to be there to help her in her distress.
Good: We played basketball last night with Communitas at the school where we meet on Sundays and it was SO AWESOME to play again!!! It has been way too long and I've missed it.
Not so good: I either dislocated or broke my finger while playing.
Good: (for me) At least it was my finger and not my ankle like it was for one of the guys :( Ouch!
Good: The kids had so much fun ice skating that we plan to go back tomorrow, since it is that last weekend the rink is open for the season.
Not so good: If you check the weather forecast, it actually says "tons of rain" for tomorrow's outlook. Might not be able to skate, we'll see.
Good: Alli invited a friend from school to come over and play after school today
Good: We are having our small group tonight, and it is "second Friday" so, we're just having a fun night. Looks like pizza, drinks, dessert, games, and we might have 4 couples! YAY!
Good: We are invited to come over Saturday night, as a family, to hang out with the family of the woman who hosted bunco last week. New friends, YAY!
No so good: I lost the memory card for our camera and I swear it vanished into thin air and will never be found, it is gone.
Good: At least all of the photos, with the exception of 3, were loaded onto the computer before it got lost.
Good: We got our tax return, and it was a good one. And, we cashed in on our Chase reward points and have gift cards to Amazon and Itunes.
Good: Was asked to share my "story" at the Easter sunrise service in Central park and hope to glorify God and all he has done for me.
Not so good: If I'm honest, I almost threw up when I was asked to do this. And, I immediately responded, "no, not me. I'm sure you can find someone with a much better story".
Good: It didn't take me long to reconsider and agree to do it. It will be ALL GOD, not me.
Good: Really, all is good. Can't complain about a thing. God has blessed us beyond anything we could ever deserve. Love my husband, my kids, my home, my neighborhood, my church family, my opportunities to have fun and to serve, my family and friends who I MISS but LOVE so much. I'm overwhelmed with the blessings and can't possibly name then all.

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