About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


7 years ago, a girl's club was formed. I know, I teach my girls NOT to form clubs because it sounds exclusive and we should never exclude people. SO, this is one time where I clearly communicated to them that they should do as I say, not as I do!
Anyways, what a riot we have at our monthly club gatherings! We rotate host homes, eat an indulgent meal, visit, laugh, play games, laugh, eat, laugh, eat, and talk talk talk. I can typically count on having insomnia after a night with these gals which I attribute to huge doses of adreneline and other various neurologically altering chemicals realeased during our laughing fits and non stop chattering!

On this second Thursday of the month, Carrie hosted. So, we made our longest commute from the East Siiiiiide out to LO.

What awaited me? A going away party!!!! Surprise!!!!
What an amazing evening my girlfriends planned. COME ON! All of my favorite foods (including velveeta/salsa dip, mexican food, home made guacamole, salad, hot fudge sundae bar)!
And, each girlfriend came with a suitcase. They said that since I did not invite them to come along with me, they packed their suitcases instead with memories of our times shared. They alo each presented me with a charm that held a memory and a beautiful charm bracelet.

I was so touched. I can't even tell you how loved and special I felt! Some of the girls shared things about me that I didn't really know. Just ways that God has used me inspire and draw them closer to Him. That was such a gift to me! Because, I've never "preached" to my girl's club about my faith or theirs. And, although I have prayed for each girlfriend many times and asked God to show me any opportunities to show his love, I never really saw it happening. So, it was cool to hear that He was indeed at work and answering my prayers.

I have to give a quick run down of my charms. So, for those of you who coule care less, goodbye.
Jaime - a plate and silverware to represent how much I love food!
Annete - Sweden charm to remember when I told her "Im totally from there!"
Kim - A pepper grinder to remember the infamous gift that KEEPS on giving.
Nada - a beautiful cross and heart to represent my heart for faith and family.
Michelle - Adorable praying girl to remind me of precious Morgan and all the nursery babies.
Sandra - fish to represent my journey as a 'fisher of men"
Pam - cheerleader because none of us can forget the American Idol night and "Hey Mickey"
Kelly - coffee mug because we both enjoy it so much (and they didn't have a pickle!)
Carrie - Sales tag with 50%off to represent our shared love of a bargain.
Amy - ice cream cone. Need more be said?
Katie - home sweet home. Because she wants me to know I am ALWAYS welcome back HOME.
Theresa - butterfly to symbolize the new life I'm starting. But, she also noted that a Monarch butterfly always returns to the place it first sprouted it's wings! So, she knows I will always return "home".

Maybe those random things don't stir much emotion for you. But for me, and all of club, it was an emotional evening. Tears of joy and sadness, and of course those tears produced by the kind of pee-in-your-pants laughter that leaves your cheeks and abs sore! These girlfriends are such a blessing to me!

And, of course, I can't forget that I acquired a new nickname that they fully expect me to start going by in Brooklyn. So, from now on, you can just call me...char-isma.


Anonymous said...

Wow Char that sounds so cool, what a nice thought from your friends. Hope all is going well, im checking frequently for apartment pics :)
See ya soon

Morgan's Mom said...

crying tears of happiness for you and your journey and memories that will never be forgotten. Peace OUT.

T$ said...

You from Brooklyn--SHUT UP.