About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Latest

Wow, is it hard to stay on top of things in the summer. I am simply going to give an update on the Kelly clan. No frills.

Last week the girls did VBS at St. Pete's in Richmond. Excellent program. Love it! They had a great time. My niece and nephews were incredible helpers. I did not help this year, which was strange, but a nice break. I had other things going on.

On the weekend, Timm had men's poker night, the girl's visited a friend on the Communitas team and "helped" with her estate sale. OK, so we didn't help a bit, we just invaded her home and brought dinner and overstayed our welcome. We also celebrated my niece's 15th birthday on a gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon.

This past week was crazy fun. My sister hosted "5-day club" in her backyard. My niece helped teach (as she has attended training through Christ Evangelical Fellowship for two summers) and my nephew led games (he learned from his aunt Char!). So, every day from 10-noon my girls were blessed by the outpouring of love and leadership by their cousins, aunt, and others.

But, that's not all. We also had a fun visit with the visitors from Tenessee. Timm's aunt, cousin, and the offspring! We even ventured out to the DRIVE IN. It was so fun. We loaded up big red and 9 of us chugged out to the Miracle Twin Drive in near Flint. Stayed out until 2am. CRAZY!

But, that's not all. We also made our annual trek to CEDAR POINT, America's roller coast. Ride on! (We missed one day of the kid's 5-day club). We took off on Tuesday afternoon, checked in to the Maples motel, swam, ate pizza, tried to get to bed early. Then we got up Wed morning and headed straight to the point! Played ALL DAY until 11pm, and piled into the van for the ride home. Got home at about 1:30. Come on, do we know how to party or what?!?!

OK, so that brings us up to Friday night. The girls had their very first sleepover with their best buddies from next door! They slept in the motorhome, in the yard, with daddy! They had it all planned out. They ate junk food, watched a movie on the portable thingie, and stayed up laughing. Now, it is Saturday morning, and they are running around in their jammies, flying high on the intoxication of friendship and sugar cereal.

Today we head out to Detroit for the monthly BBQ with the homeless. Should be a good day for it. Hopefully storms will not invade.

Other updates? Strange thing. The night before last, I was putting the girls to bed, and Timm was out playing tennis with MG. THe girls suddenly started reminisching about Pedro, our old doggie. Because he moved to Tennessee with the family who was visiting, we learned that sweet old Pedro was not well. He is quite old and we learned of his heart problems, breathing difficulties, and overall poor health. For some reason, the girls were literally overcome with grief. They expressed their anger and frustrations about us giving Pedro to a new family. They cried big old tears about missing him and never seeing him again. It broke my heart, but I was able to explain that sometimes you love something or someone enough to set it free. And Pedro DEFINATELY had a better life with them in Tennessee. Thankfully I really believe that, or I would have been smothered alive in guilt. Well, we all had a good cry. And here is the strange part. The next day, we recieved a phone call that Pedro had passed away. At the very time that the girls brought him up and mourned his absence. That very same night, at about that time, he died. Only the daddy of the family he lives with was home. So, the rest of the family was spared from finding him. Oh, it just stinks. Anyone who has loved a pet knows what I mean. You don't want them to suffer, but it's so sad when they die. So, for those of you who knew and loved Pedro. . . he is no longer struggling to breathe and remain the playful pup he always has been at heart.

On the job hunt front. . . Timm had a phone interview with National Heritage Academy. Charter school organization. He is being moved forward in the interview process. Next Wed he interveiws all day in Grand Rapids. This organization is opening two new schools in Brooklyn for the 2009 school year. They are also placing someone as a resident in a Detroit school for the 2008 school year. So, potentially, Timm could secure a paid residency in D-town and be in place for the Brooklyn school next year. Interesting. . . .

A final note. Timm and I are being thrown for yet another loop in our "plans" for our family. After much prayer and discussion, we are seriously considering home schooling the girls this year. We had already discussed the possiblity of doing this when we move. But, we have really felt like God is calling us to do it now. Sooooo, just another wacky twist in the story of our lives! It really is more fun with God in the driver's seat. What an adventure he has laid out for us!

If you made it this far in my lengthy account of our lives, God bless ya. Get back to your life now. I'll try not to be so lengthy in the future!


Anonymous said...

Your Pedro news kind of puts a wet blanket on all those other wonderful things your posted. We were watching some home movies a few weeks back and were totally laughing about him licking Andrews cake and icecream face. We are glad he had a great few years on his doggy resort. Thanks for the kind words over 5-day club. It is God's work, as as you stated: He takes us for a fun ride when we let Him drive; Kind of like the jeep with the top down.....Go God Go!!

Sonyia said...

YEAH GOD! Bring on the homeschooling : ) You will have such an exciting adventure with it. And why not give it whirl while here in MI where there are NO laws governing it so you don't have to worry about all that red tape your first year into it. Thanks for inviting our girls to try out the 5 day club for 1 day too! KiKi asked on the way home if they could go for another day.

K said...

Pedro was one of the greatest dogs EVER! I'm so glad that he had a wonderful life... he got to live with newlyweds, a family of girls, a family of boys, in the north, in the south... what more could a doggie ask for?

I'm very sad he is gone!