About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Common Theme

Did you ever notice a "coincidental" common theme popping up in your life? I recently explained this phenomenon to Alli. When God wants to teach us something, sometimes he will place the message repeatedly in front of us through multiple sources. But, it helps if we are seeking out those sources. Maybe you hear a message at church and it really resonates with you. Then, the next thing you know, your daily devotional speaks the same message to you. Then, you turn on a radio program, and the same message comes pouring out. Finally, you stop and think. . . "hey, I'm starting to get this!" Seriously, how can God be so patient with us idiots?
This week, God has flooded my life with a common point. Guess I needed to learn it! It's not that the information was necessarily new to me, but just that I needed to apply it better. You see, what I "learned" is that God can only answer our prayers and do works through us if we are completely submitted to Him and if we are NOT harboring ANY SIN. Did you get that? NO SIN. Seems impossible. But, what he wants is for us to ask him to reveal our sin to us. Then, he wants us to deal with that sin. So, regardless of whether you are consciously holding onto some sin behavior and making light of it, like it's not a big deal. Or, you know it's a big deal, but can't seem to stop. Or, you don't really see any sin. If you stop and ask Him to reveal it to you. . . he will. And that's scary. Cuz then you have to work on getting rid of it. And, as much as we like to keep God inside the warm and fuzzy box of love and mercy and grace. . . the truth is that if you look in scripture you will find that he does not provide those things to us if we are not willing to be working on obedience and getting the sin out of our lives.
So, that's what this week has been about. On my knees, asking God to show me the ugliest side of myself. Fun, aye? But, it's SO COOL. Because, once I identify the garbage, that's when I get to experience GRACE! Because, the junk I think i just can't deal with, He steps in and takes care of it for me. Really. It's true.
So, aside from that. Timm had an interview this week. Could possibly be an opportunity for him to work in Detroit for a year before heading to NY. We aren't sure. But, we're just waiting to see.
Lowered the price of the house again. Had one showing this week.
Feeling more and more confirmation to home school the girls this year. Seems a little weird. But, also comforting to know we could be totally mobile and ready to "go" if that's what we need to do.
Having fun waiting on God's timing. Loving summer life. Enjoying every day with my girls. Praising God for every good gift he gives! Thanking him for peace.

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