About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's summer

Well, it's summer time. Blessed and amazed and just wanted to check in to say hi.
I have had so much happen, that I can't begin to update this blog on all our happenings.
I can say, we made it to MI and enjoyed a wedding with Timm's family, time with both families all week of the 4th of July, DJ's grad party, time with friends, camping with Carlson's, Cedar Point, trip with Timm to Mt. Pleasant (with a pitstop at the outlet mall), surprise party for Kelly's 40th, and now the girls are at Springhill camp and Timm and I are in Grand Rapids. He's working, I am being a sloth. I leave today to drive to Rose City for some QT with my Carrie!!!!!!
So, that sums it up in one paragraph.
I feel I am being molded by the surrounding culture and find myself more inclined to post an update on facebook than to update this blog. I even got a new fancy phone that takes amazing photos which I can easily upload with one touch to facebook. How do I get them to this blog? No idea.
But, I have trouble tweeting. I'll be honest. I just have too many "characters" in my tweets. I've shard this before, I'll share it again...it takes me a lot of word to express my thoughts. I'm not succinct enough to tweet. But, perhaps being immersed in the tweeting culture, I too will learn to limit my rambling thoughts to a mere 140 characters?
Until then, I will still occassionally come here to ramble,.
But, I honestly don't have much to post.
My kids are away at camp and it is just about the freakiest thing to not have any communication with them all week! I have left them for stretches of time with family. And, it was strange when we were in Mexico and our communication was limited. But, this week, I have ZERO opportunities to ask how it's going!
I'm praying for them constantly and asking God to pour out His holy spirit on my sweet young ladies. I pray for them to feel drawn closer to Him than ever before and experience the freshness of falling in love with him all over again.
I am spending many hours praising God. He has blessed me beyond measure. Not sure why. I am completely undeserving. His grace is absolutely astonishing.

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