About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wait, how old am I?

I'm confused. How old am I again?
Oh yah, amost 40.
I wasn't sure because I haven't been this excited about the END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR since I was about....10. I just thre that age out there, since I don't ever remember being so anxious to see the end!
Today is Liv's last day. Half day. Am about to walk up and get her.
Alli's last full day is today, then two more half days. Right up through the last day of June. Geesh!
Last night was my first executive board meeting for the PTA for Liv's school. I am now VP. I debated whether I wanted that much commitment to the PTA. I wondered if it was silly to commit so much time to meetings and such, which actually takes away from my time with my girls, in order to make things better for my child and her school. Weighing it out, I decided to go for it. Come on, I am a stay at home mom! I imagine that is the group who started PTA to begin with. God bless the working moms who are on the board and who volutneer. AMAZING! ANYWAYS....I made the right choice. My hope our family is intentionally living in a way that impacts our community. By that, I mean, if we picked up and vacated, we should be missed by some people in some way. We should be making an impact! We should "be the change we want to see in the world". Through much prayer and reflection, I feel God has led me to some areas I am passionate about. And, I am trying to invest my time, talent and treasure to do my part in these areas.
Liv's school is one of those areas. I have to get going, I will just say that we went through the school year calendar for the upcoming year, and we scheduled things for each month that we felt would build community, enhance education, build school spirit, offer FUN, and raise funds for filling in the funding gaps for some very NEEDED programs. I can honestly say that every child in the school will have an enriched and better experience because of our care and efforts. That is so cool. Definitely worth sacrificing a bit of my time away from my kids.
And, now, I am off to welcome Olivia to SUMMER BREEEEEAAAAAAAAK!


Little Rose of Sharon said...

loved the part about living intentionally. Also so very true about being the change we want to see. So many do nothing but complain about a situation and are not willing to do the work to fix the issue.
Great job madame VP.

WHOOT WHOOT, bring on the summer!

Little Rose of Sharon said...

I am not able to comment on the girls posts. Am I doing something wrong or do you have it blocked in some way?