About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Counting down...

Just popping on here to say hello. Haven't posted in a while because I haven't had any deep thoughts to share.
But, I will say that we are in countdown mode here in the Kelly Casa. The girls have a few more days of school, then we will be packing up the van and heading to MI for almost the whole summer!!!!! Lots of great summer adventures planned. Hanging at Grandparent's, swimming, cedar point, going up north, going to springhill camp, staying with Daddy in Grand Rapids, camping with the Carlson's, etc. And, it is a needed refresher for the soul.
When praying, I hesitate to go to God and specifically ask for something. He knows what I need and I trust Him. However, throughout the last few years, one prayer request that I have boldly made is that God would please work it out in our family to allow for us to spend a good chunk of time in MI for summer. So far, this is year #2 where that prayer has been answered abundantly and I am so thankful. SO THANKFUL. I do not take it for granted at all.
Last night Timm and 3 of the men he is in true "Communitas" with were able to spend the night in the Hampton's at one of the guys' place. They loaded up their bikes and sleeping bags (as there is no furniture in the house) and will be enjoying some biking today.
Meanwhile, back in the concrete jungle, the girls and I got dressed up and went to an elegant affair hosted by another couple of Communitas friends. They hosted a wine and cheese tasting get together and we had a super great evening. We brought a bottle of pinot grigio, a block of good old white cheddar, and the girls picked some interesting juices to try (apricot and banana). Good food and drink, great company and lovely conversation/laughter. I feel so blessed by the community we are a part of.
So, today Alli and Liv will be filling up some water balloons in preparation for the "end of the year" party we are hosting with some of Alli's middle school friends this afternoon. The plan is: water fights, snacks and pizza (and lots of screaming and yelling and laughing I'm sure).
Then we will clean up any messes out behind our "house" because our downstairs neighbors are hosting a BBQ this evening.
Good times.
One thing I might say....I have handled with remarkable ease the transition from a large home to a very small apartment...I have adapted fairly well to navigating my way around this city on foot, bike, public transit and driving....I have managed to survive long stretches of time without hugging and loving family and life long friends....but there is one thing I do not think I am up for that I have recently been tested with.......la cucuracha. Yes, we have been paid a visit by the lovely urban houseguest, the cockroach. UGH! I can't handle a cockroach infestation. I can't. That is simply pushing me beyond my limits. And, I think Alli will be sleeping up on the ceiling, grasping onto the light fixture, just to get as far away from the ground as she can because she is so disgusted and freaked out. It's weird because I would be fine with it if we were camping, or staying somewhere in an underdeveloped country, or something like that. But, what bothers me is that this is our HOME. And it feels invaded. I don't want to get up in the night to use the bathroom and have to turn the light on and wonder if a nasty critter is going to scamper out of sight behind the garbage pail and go who knows where?!?!
Our landlord has been made aware and will be sending someone to spray. Hopefully soon.

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