About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

amalgamated superstar

So, just the other day I saw the word "amalgamated" on some sign. I said the word a few times to myself and as it rolled off my tongue (or, as it rolled off my cerebrum, since I don't think I was actually saying it out loud) I decided that I liked the word a lot. I don't even know what it means. But, I remember making a conscious decision that I like the word. I'm like that about words. I like a great deal of them. That's why I like to use SO MANY of them on a regular basis, both verbally and in writing.
Today I did something that required me to reach a little beyond my ordinary trust in the competency of others. Generally speaking, I'm pretty trusting when people say they can do a job or perform a task for me and I pay them what is owed, and on with life. But, for this task, I have found myself nervous and even skeptical.
You see, I have about 10 years worth of memories held on these flimsy reels of tape called "Hi-8" video tape. When we downsized our life, we downsized our moving picture capturer. We moved to a small "flip" that captures the images digitally. But, what I neglected to think about when we got rid of the old camera is that it also served as our only device on which to view our tapes! So, we have not been able to watch our family movies for over a year and a half.
I'm making a short story long. Who me? Don't judge. You have your faults, I have mine.
So, today, with sweaty palms and pits, I walked into a small, local business and handed over my prized possession for them to transfer to dvd. As I was walking out, with the empty bag that once held my memories, hoping I made a good judgement call, I noticed a little sign on one of the mailboxes for the building I was in.
I felt like it was assurance that I was in a good place. After all, it was just this past week that I decided I would officially like the word "amalgamated" and then "superstar" was such a bonus.
It made me smile.

1 comment:

Little Rose of Sharon said...

ok so I looked up amalgam. Webster states: a compound of quicksilver with another metal.
So you are a shineing superstar!