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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

when is bragging OK?

Is it ever OK to brag about your kids? I really feel it is OK to do! But perhaps it is completely annoying to others. I don't know.
I think if you have an overall humble nature and are aware of your shortcomings, and those of your children, then it's OK to be pretty dang proud of them when they display a talent, skill or gift. Ya know? I do think it is annoying when a parent clearly feels their child can do NO wrong is is exceptional at EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. That's different. That's delusional or dishonest.
Well, I am proud of my Alli. She really has shown some amazing potential as she dances. And, it is so cool to watch. And she was asked if she could fill in for someone at the studio who is in the senior dance company but cannot be at one of the recitals. That would mean some work on Alli's part to be an "understudy" with the senior company. Not sure we can commit the time, since she is struggling a bit to balance her course work right now. But, I felt proud that she was asked and I hope she can do it.
And Olivia was picked to be a part of a program at her school called "young talent". She gets to participate in music instruction once a week during school hours, and do a performance at the end of the year. She makes a commitment to be in it for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. She will learn SO MUCH! And, both of my girls really do have an amazing ear for music. It's so cool.
So there, I brag about my kids. And, I think that's OK.

1 comment:

Little Rose of Sharon said...

agree completely. As long as you\we are not delusional then we have the right to be proud. Expecially when we acknowledge they are God given talents to be used for Him.

I also read in some parenting book along the way that it is actully very good for our children to hear us talking to others about how proud we are of them. Private praise is a must and a good dose of public praise now and again can do wonders.

Way to go Kelly girls: let your light shine and do you best in all you do!