About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

the sound of rain, the sound of music

A rainy Sunday.....the girls and I are getting ready to hunker down and watch "The Sound of Music" together. Daddy just left for the airport. He's been in Buffalo each week Sunday through Friday. We miss him when he's gone, but we enjoy our girl time too.
So, I found my adapter thing so I can load my photos onto this computer. Yay. Don't have time now, but watch for photos soon.
If we were still living in Richmond, we would have spent this weekend engaged in some long held traditions....opening ceremony of the Good Old Days Festival on Thursday night, wristbands for unlimited rides at the carnival Friday night, kiddie parade and games on Saturday, BIG parade on Sunday watching for which cousin would be driving the John Deere this year. We missed Rosie...so we look forward to pictures!
However, I felt like our weekend was just overflowing with wonderful NEW experiences in our NEW life.
Thursday night we were happy to have Timm come home and while he had a couple of guys over to rehearse for a drama they plan to do at church, I went to a friends and enjoyed a relaxing night while talking and planning for an upcoming women's retreat. I also got a text that day from my friend and there is going to be a girls weekend happening here in NYC in January!!!! YES!!!!!!!
Friday night we hosted our small group.
Saturday morning we headed out as a family to deliver meals on wheels in Manhattan. We also reflected on the events of Sept 11th and ended up driving right by the site of the attacks and the new freedom tower. After that, we stopped in and participated for an hour in the "24 hours of prayer" our church took part in. In the afternoon we celebrated the neighbors second birthday with a BBQ and party. As we sat there visiting with our new friends, and getting to know some new neighbors better, I felt so happy to be there! So incredibly blessed to have been "led" to this neighborhood. Meeting new people is so fascinating to me. And, I was just so happy to feel like we are a part of this cool little community.
Anyways, after going to church this morning, and then hanging out with another new friend for some pizza, we relaxed and enjoyed the rainy day. Timm and I spent about an hour working out (I would say we did it together, but we were in separate rooms - as there isn't a room big enough for us to work out together in!) But, I am still amazed all the time how Timm has made exercise and health a part of his life!
Anyways, we had about the best weekend I can think of! So, as I tell the girls "make new friends, but keep the old....one is silver and the other's gold". And, I think that applies to traditions and activities as well. Rather than missing things that I would be doing in MI (silver) I can't help but be happy about new things I do here (gold).


Anonymous said...

glad alli got or is getting a camera, she takes great pictures, keep up the interest..... love you. Liz

Little Rose of Sharon said...

you smart smart gal. i love how you put the positive into every situation. Love you lots.