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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We're home!
What a long strange trip it's been (to be sung like the legendary dead song). Hey, I miss jammin to the grateful dead. I'll have to pull up some tunes today.
Ahhhhh, we arrived last night after 11 1/2 hours on the road from Charlotte, NC. We decided to stop at a restaurant first so we had the nourishment needed to do the unloading of the van. We stopped at a Spanish/Mexican restaurant in our hood that I love. Have only been there twice, so it felt like a real treat. Sat outside and enjoyed the meal with my girls, with the bustling street and sidewalk traffic to enjoy as we ate. Ahhh, feels like home.
When we pulled up, there was a perfect parking spot waiting for us in front of our place.
When we walked in, there was a message on the answering machine from my sister welcoming us back to our little home, and a poster on our wall from our neighbors saying they missed us! Come on! Who gets a welcome home like that?
Well, I have a lot of deep thoughts running through my head in regards to the "long strange trip". And, that is referring to the "trip" we've been on for quite some time. Living with Timm's parents, moving here, then this summer going back to MI, then spending time with family and friends in GA and NC, then coming back here......feeling blessed beyond any possible measure, yet dealing with the reality of this being difficult at times (especially for the girls). All I can say is that when you are smack dab in the middle of God's plan for your life, there is peace beyond all understanding! And, I'll take the peace! Even if I can never quite explain the "trip" in a way that makes sense.....I can say that there is peace and joy. And, deep down, that is what we are all craving. I feel so blessed to be floating in a sea of peace and joy. Thank you Lord!
Now, it's on to my day of unpacking, re-organizing, making room for some accumulation of items (clothes, shoes, books, toys), grocery shopping, laundry, catching up on emails, signing up for volunteer opportunities, making doctor appointments, going through mail......and just diving back into our life and reconnecting with friends.
And to everyone who made our summer of "Oh ten" so awesome....thank you. We don't take any of the hospitality for granted. We are so blessed!

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