About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, June 7, 2010

here we go...

Here we go....it is JUNE!
Busy month. All good.
This week Alli goes on her SENIOR trip! She gets on a chartered bus and goes into Manhattan with all the other 5th graders. They do lunch and go to see WIcked on Broadway. (Sorry Josiah)
Then, MY PARENTS ARE COMING TO VISIT!!!!!! YAY!!!! I can't wait. We will have lots of fun showing them our neighborhood, our "borough" and the big apple!
After they leave, a few days later, a friend from MI is coming to visit with her two boys. We're going to catch a METS vs TIGERS game together. So glad they are coming. It will be awesome to see them.
In the meantime, there is carnival day and field day at school, last dance classes of the year, ALli's 5th grade graduation ceremony and her "senior dance", teacher appreciation day, volunteer appreciation day, helping with Sunday gatherings for Communitas, helping with a mission team spending time here from MI, pre-marital mentoring for a couple, Alli's testing at her new middle school, hosting community group, doing our individual discipleship meetings, trying to figure out when we can babysit so our friends can go out on a much needed date, and packing up for a 5 week absence from our home! Wew-hoooo!
And I thought I was going to go to work at a full time job? That is hilarious. I realize many people do it, but I have NO idea how!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok busy woman. Let's see some picks from your Carlson adventures.