About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


THings to be thankful for!!!
This is me with one of my bestest friends in the whole world and
my friend who happens to be my cousin-in-law, on the Brooklyn
bridge. They came for a visit. We had so much fun. We partied like rock stars. The
kids enjoyed the visit too! It was SO GREAT to have them here.

Hopefully this post turns out. Last time, I know my pics were all overlapping. I'm trying not to complain about this lovely new computer, but it is slowly driving me crazy sometimes :)

Another thing I am so thankful for is that my girls were able to do dance class this year and take part in a performance this weekend!
Alli was so beautiful as she demonstrated her passion and skill for dancing! We were in tears.

And, Olivia was so ridiculously adorable during her hip-hop dance! We were proud parents all day long!

We are also thankful that, even though Timm did not get the principal position at the school he interviewed for last week, we found out right away...and...his company has assured him that they want to keep him employed with them for next school year. Very good news. And I'm thankful for Timm's awesome peace during this uncertainty with his job.

Also, this week, we found out that Alli was selected in the lottery at a local Charter school. So, if we decide that is a good school for her, she has a seat. We will be in prayer! Because, she will still be given a seat at a public school, but she won't find out which one for a few months. The charter school wants us to decide in two weeks. Each school offers some great things...decision to make!!!


1 comment:

K said...

I am thankful too! I have been missing you guys more now that I visited. Can't wait to come back!