About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gracious Uncertainty

This might be kinda long, but I just had to share from my devotional today. Oswald Chambers challenges me every single day in "My Utmost for His Highest". Today, he references 1John 3:2 "...it has not yet been revealed what we shall be..."

He goes on to say:

"Our natural inclination is to be so precise - trying always to forecast accurately what will happen next - that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing. We think that we must reach some predetermined goal, but that is not the nature of the spiritual life. THE NATURE OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE IS THAT WE ARE CERTAIN IN OUR UNCERTAINTY. Consequently, we do not put down roots......

Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life - gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation! We are uncertain of the next step, but certain of God. As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.........

We are not uncertain of God, just uncertain of what He is going to do next.

If our certainty is only in our beliefs, we develop a sense of self-righteousness, becoming overly critical, and are limited to the view that our beliefs are complete and settled.

But when we have the right relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy.

Jesus said "Believe also in me" (John 14:1) he did not say "Believe certain things about Me"

Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in, but you can remain certain that He WILL COME."

Well, I'm sure I have had conversations with most of you about this very topic! And, I will admit that sometimes I talk about it with that "sigh of sadness". THe fact that I have learned that God does not want me to plan too far ahead and continues to teach me to live in that gracious uncertainty. This has probably been the SINGLE most intense area of spiritual growth in me. I can relate to looking at uncertainty as a bad thing! I always assumed that a responsible adult should have things planned out and should have roots and should have a very clear set of goals and objectives to reach. Well, of course we should have goals. But, I now know for sure that God does not want me too focused on those plans and goals of mine. He wants me surrendered. And, I know I can trust Him to COME into my plans as long as I am surrendered. And, I know His plans are for my good.

To refer (again) to an example used at Communitas, I would have chosen to live out a "boring documentary" and instead, being surrendered to God, He has me living out an "action adventure". Don't get me wrong, I love documentaries! But, when I am at heaven's gate, do I want to reflect back on my life on this earth and say "I am so glad I played it safe and always had a plan" or do I want to look back and say "WOW! What a wild ride that was. I never saw all those twists and turns coming. What an adventure God took me on!"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Some pics of recent happenings. Olivia's field trip to the Aquarium. She's holding hands with two friends. Great day!!!
We went to "Super Saturday" at the school. Made masks - here is Alli in hers! And we heard japanese drummers, Olivia was able to try it out!

GO METS! We won free tickets to the mets game. It was ski cap night and we all received free caps! VERY FUN NIGHT! And the Mets won! YAY.
Meals on "heels". Wheeling food through the city streets, delivering to seniors in apartment buildings. This was a very nice opportunity to serve as a family. We met some wonderful people, some who brought us tears of compassion, some who brought us tears of inspiration.
BOWLING! Olivia on another field trip. Her class is taking so many trips, it is so much fun!!!
Today at school Alli is having a party to celebrate the completion of their state ELA exam. They are watching "The wizard of Oz" because they will be going as a class to see the Broadway show "Wicked" at the end of the school year. She is SO excited to have a party with her class. They have not done much partying this year :) The one party they had, she missed because she was sick!
Olivia is putting on a puppet show today at school. I can not wait to see it! THey have put a lot of work into designing the puppets, writing the show, and rehearsing it.
Timm talked with HR and he has a job for next year. The details of his responsibilities will remain obscure, but we are praising GOD for his provisions! Yes, we are blessed indeed.
Life is good. Spring has sprung. Schedules are busy and fun. Lots going on.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm about ta burst!

I'm about ta burst! And it's not because I had a stack of banana/chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and nacho chips for lunch :)
It's because I am excited for my girls.
If you read Mustard Seed, you already know that we have accepted a seat for Alli at a charter school for next year!
It has been such a huge leap of faith, and so much fun to trust God in the area of watching out for Alli and Liv.
Ever since we talked about moving here, the whole "school thing" has been a question people immediately ask us about. However, that issue alone has brought about some of the best things in our family. It led us to homeschool last year. It led us to finding the school the girls are currently in. It led us to trusting God through this crazy process of getting Alli into a middle school. And, I can honestly say that I have enjoyed the process and have been excited all the way through to see what God had planned. People who live here would comment on how I was remaining so calm about it all. If they knew the "old" me, they would really be surprised. There was a time when the slightest bit of uncertainty about the future caused me tremendous stress.
Anyways.......to make a long story short, we enrolled Alli in a new school that she will start next year. Lots of good things I can say about this school, but I will just say that if you would like to read about it, you can check out their website
Some things I will say, it is a 6-12 grade school, they have sibling preference, so if we want Olivia to go there, she is guaranteed a seat, it is new, small, innovative, and passionate about teaching children how to learn and how to be successful in a global community. It is a college preparatory school, diverse, with a lot of community and family support, and very impressive faculty.
So, we are excited.
We were also excited to find out this week that Olivia did well on the "gifted and talented" test she took. Without going into a bunch of detail, it wont likely change where she goes to school, but it is nice to feel affirmed of what we already suspected, that God really has blessed Liv with some smarts. I'm proud of her, and will be even more proud of her if she applies herself and shows motivation and a strong work ethic as she goes through school.
It's a beautiful day. We are going as a family to the Mets game tonight with free tickets. And, tomorrow, after we do "meals on heels" as a family, Alli gets to do a dance performance in the park in our neighborhood. They are having a community event there.
Timm's having a boys night out sat night. Sun we have a band visiting and performing at our Sunday gathering for church.
I'm about ta burst! I'm so excited. Praise you God, you are too good to me.

Friday, April 16, 2010


No, you're shmoopy.
Would you look at this cutie pie? And, I'm not talking about the girls in the photo. But, I do know how Liv feels. Who wouldn't wanna smooch on that face? Well, sorry ladies, but that face is mine for the smooching. :)
I'm a lucky woman.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


THings to be thankful for!!!
This is me with one of my bestest friends in the whole world and
my friend who happens to be my cousin-in-law, on the Brooklyn
bridge. They came for a visit. We had so much fun. We partied like rock stars. The
kids enjoyed the visit too! It was SO GREAT to have them here.

Hopefully this post turns out. Last time, I know my pics were all overlapping. I'm trying not to complain about this lovely new computer, but it is slowly driving me crazy sometimes :)

Another thing I am so thankful for is that my girls were able to do dance class this year and take part in a performance this weekend!
Alli was so beautiful as she demonstrated her passion and skill for dancing! We were in tears.

And, Olivia was so ridiculously adorable during her hip-hop dance! We were proud parents all day long!

We are also thankful that, even though Timm did not get the principal position at the school he interviewed for last week, we found out right away...and...his company has assured him that they want to keep him employed with them for next school year. Very good news. And I'm thankful for Timm's awesome peace during this uncertainty with his job.

Also, this week, we found out that Alli was selected in the lottery at a local Charter school. So, if we decide that is a good school for her, she has a seat. We will be in prayer! Because, she will still be given a seat at a public school, but she won't find out which one for a few months. The charter school wants us to decide in two weeks. Each school offers some great things...decision to make!!!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Florida was great

A few pics from our wonderful vacation.
Thank God for my generous parents who spoil us and allow us such an awesome vacation.

He has risen indeed

I do not recall a more glorious Easter day!
We were all up at 5:30am, searching the apartment for hidden eggs and baskets. Out the door by 6am to get to the sonrise service in Central Park.
More than a hundred of us gathered on a hill of rock, overlooking a small lake, backed by trees in full bloom. Behind the trees, we watched as the sun rose and the rays glimmered off the water. All the while, we lifted our voices to sing praises to our Risen Christ. I was able to share my story. The story of how Jesus has changed me and transformed my life. Craig inspired us by teaching about death, something we ALL will face. But, the fact that we have HOPE and do not have to fear death because Christ offers us an invitation to overcome death and live forever with him in paradise.
About 50 of us gathered at our friend's apartment for brunch. We packed the place out, and poured out onto their huge patio, where the temperatures began to rise into the 70's!
In the afternoon, we relaxed, ran in the park, Timm cleaned the apartment, including windows and floors!
Then, we hosted Easter dinner here for friends.
We feasted.
He has risen.
He has risen indeed.