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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


No, I'm not talking about the weather. Although, it is pretty wet and mushy out there in the land of melting piles of snow that had reached heights of over 3 feet!
Instead I'm referring to the feelings I have for a man. A man that God brought into my life over 16 years ago. And I feel so incredibly blessed to be his wife. I'm not much for celebrating valentine's day. Whatever. I don't really know it's origins, but I sorta group it in with something like sweetest day, just another way for the insanity of commercialism to creep into the emotional crevices of our lives. Blech. I don't need a hallmark store to command for me to acknowledge my feelings of love for someone. I can do that all by myself whenever I want to. Why should I wait until a specified date that some marketing geniuses decided was the day of the year we should purchase things for loved ones?
Anyways, that's not the point. The point is, I am so lucky that I don't need a valentine's day or a sweetest day to feel special. My husband makes me feel loved all year long. He respects me, trusts me, honors me with his words, compliments me, and takes care of me. He listens to constructive criticism and instead of getting defensive, he is able to admit when he has an area that he'd like to improve. You see, he isn't perfect. But, the beauty of it is....he knows he isn't perfect. One of the traits that drew me to falling in love with him is his confidence (as well as his sense of humor, intelligence, sensitive nature, and more). But, I thank God because that very trait of confidence could turn into a negative thing in marriage. But, because Timm seeks God, he is able to remain humble. That's the key. Thank you God! THank you. Thank you. Thank you. Marriage works if you let God work in it!!!! He will bring out the best in you, if you allow him too. And, I am honored to be trying to offer my husband my best...and I am glad that he tries to do the same. Without God intervening to help, we'd just be a couple of independent, self absorbed, score keeping, unsure people. Again, thank you God. I love my husband.


Living My Backward's Life (formerly A Michigander Grows in Brooklyn) said...

That is mushy! (And sweet. Hope to have what you two have some day!)

T$ said...

I put this all back onto you just the same. Love you always and forever.