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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, February 16, 2009

isn't that life?

How is my vacation going so far? Well, part of me wants to say that it is totally awesome and another part of me wants to point out that it is hard to be joyful when sadness and grief hit so close to home. Isn't that life? Always this contrast between the joy and the pain. I can't imagine the kingdom that Jesus has for us. A kingdom where it is ALL LOVE and ALL JOY and no more pain and suffering and sadness.
But, for now, we live in this present darkness. The world. The place where evil exists. Death exists. And, therefore, grief and sadness and so many other horrible things exist. ANd, isn't it strange......although it is certain that each of us will die....and each person we know and love will pass from this earth.....it does't make it any easier when it happens to someone?
Because, we live in a fallen world. It is not paradise. We will have sadness. We will have disappointment and grief and pain. We can not avoid it. We can only praise God that we have the promise of eternity spent without those things. It is in that hope that we can endure the disappointment of this life.
Timm's uncle died suddenly Friday night. Heart attack while driving. He was in his 50's. Young. He leaves behind many family members who are grieving. And what can we do? Nothing. We can grieve. And we can pray that somehow, in their sorrow, people will lean on the only sure thing there is, the only absolute, the promise of hope in Jesus. That is my prayer today.
And, in the meantime, this life goes on. And, I count my blessings as I sit here at my brother and sister-in-laws home in Georgia feeling OVERWHELMED with how God has blessed us. I am enjoying this time with family, looking forward to time in Florida, and thanking God for his ridiculous mercy and love and provision and protection and direction and grace.
How's my vacation going? Pretty good.

1 comment:

T$ said...

Mark was actually 49, would have turned fifty in April. I sit in your usual spot in our office with the sun warming our home. I weep for Janet and Mark's family. I pray that the only hope we have will fill each of them with calm and hope. Sure could use a hug from you, but I did get plenty today. Miss you lots today.