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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, June 6, 2008


This is what 40 years of marriage looks like in my family. Would you look at the joy? The smiles? These are my parents. And this year, we were able to celebrate with them as they passed the 40 year mark in their marriage adventure. How awesome is that?

This week, my siblings and our spouses took these two "lovebirds" out to dinner to celebrate. And, can I just say that, not only do I feel very LUCKY to have been blessed with this model of marriage in my life. . . but I also feel so LUCKY that we picked the most awesome restaurant. . . LUCKY'S STEAKHOUSE. Seriously, if you haven't visited this little treasure up in Imlay City, I would say it is worth venturing off the beaten path a bit to check out!
We had incredible food, lots of laughs, and just a wonderful time relaxing together. We could only remember ONE other time that the eight of us had gotten together, without the children, to just enjoy some adult time.
I feel so incredibly blessed to have been raised in a family where the marriage covenant is just that. . . a covenant. A promise. For better or for worse. A promise to love each other no matter what. Whether you feel like it or not!!! Whether it's easy or hard! A promise to GIVE love, regardless of whether you feel like you are RECIEVING it in return. A promise until death do us part. . .
And now, their children are able to build on that model. As we sat at the dinner table, we celebrated the fact that my sister is in her 18th year of marriage, I am approaching 12 years, and my bro is coming up on 9. And each of us knows what a marriage is. A covenant. A promise. Forever.
Thank you God for giving me parents to model this. Thank you Mom and Dad for being promise keepers in your marriage. That is your legacy. . . .

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