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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Am I really a "Christian"?

In Matthew 26:52-56
Jesus is getting arrested and he knows what is coming.  He already asked God to spare him if possible.  But, he knows that isn't the plan.
Peter freaks out and tries to fight.  He pulls his sword and attacks.  That's when Jesus says "Put your sword back in it's place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."
See, I am absolutely fascinated by the fact that people who claim to be followers of Jesus land on certain bible verses and seem to use them as ammunition to attack and judge and criticize.  Or they seem to focus on something that justifies hurting others physically or even emotionally.
After all, Christians used the scriptures to defend slavery, prejudice, and racial segregation.
Christians have used scripture to defend war and brutality towards others.
Funny how Christians are so mortified by radical Muslims who feel called to carry out acts of "holy war" against non Muslims based on their interpretation of teachings from their holy book.
Yet, we've done exactly that throughout history - and to this day!
That's why it is difficult for me to associate myself as a "Christian".
Just as I am sure it is difficult for many peace-loving Muslims to identify themselves as having the same faith as the radical terrorists who are literally terrorizing in the name of their faith.
I don't like labels
This is a good example of why I resist being categorized or labeled.
However, I do delight in my identity as a child of God, a believer and follower of Jesus.
Anyways, back to those words from Jesus.
How is it possible to skim over that?  How is it possible to look at how Jesus "fought" and to see his humility, sacrifice, and love and then to turn around and justify hatred, condemnation, violence and oppression and do it in His name, claiming you are honoring him?!
Jesus continually modeled and taught self sacrifice, love, serving, putting others first, being generous, and being submitted to God's will regardless of the personal loss or gain.
This is the Jesus I find consistently in scripture.
Show me the political Jesus who pushes legislation and tries to change laws to force people to do things the way he thinks is best.  Show me the Jesus who oppresses people, violently attacks others to maintain his power, refuses to help the poor if it costs him his own prosperity, fears and ridicules those he sees as sinners, is threatened and hateful toward those who hold differing beliefs.  Show me that Jesus and maybe I will better understand this weird, American "Christianity" that is so prevalent.
If what I see from many Christians who hold influential and public positions in America is "Christianity", then I must assume I am not a Christian.  I do not share their world view.
That doesn't really concern me, since "Christian" is not a word that is found in scripture, nor did Jesus ever call anyone that.
So, for clarity, I prefer to identify myself as a follower of Jesus.  A disciple of His.  And I am SUPER excited about that!  For that, I would lay down my life in radical submission!  It is that identity that defines me and dictates my world view.
And, where it may bring me confusion, embarrassment, and difficulty to imagine explaining or defending "Christianity" to those who have been on the receiving end of oppression, abuse, condemnation, hate, etc.  It brings me passion and joy to share my faith in Jesus and to talk about my love for him.
I don't need to defend Christianity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like this blog it is very nice
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