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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Wouldn't it be weird if someone announced "I'm going for a walk!" And then they sat down and went about whatever they were doing, and never got up and took any steps? If someone in my family did that, I'd probably say something like "Ummm, didn't you say you were going for a walk? Why are you just sitting there?" And then what if that person replied to me "I am walking." That would be so strange.
Yet, I think this is what many of us do in our faith.
We have many cliche ways to describe what it means to "be a Christian". Some examples include "ask Jesus into my heart" "Have a personal relationship with Jesus" "put my trust in Jesus" "believe in Jesus". The list goes on and on.
But I think of it as a walk.
Hopefully, if you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, and you have accepted His gift of unconditional love and forgiveness, you have met Him. Hopefully you have had a conversation of some kind with Him that involves submitting to Him as Lord. And, hopefully, you have invited people in your life to share that exciting news with.
In my mind, I picture my baptism as a public declaration of "I'M GOING FOR A WALK!"
Once I declare that to God and others, I have a choice every day, hour and moment to either sit back and relax, or to take steps. If I have declared that I am making a choice to walk, then it would follow that I need to take STEPS.
Does this mean I am earning God's love by taking steps? NO! The love is unconditional. My steps are simply my way of honoring our relationship.
God, my mind wanders to earthly things. All the time. My physical senses are bombarded all the time with THIS world. So, every moment that I can discipline myself to remember that I am not of this world, but yours, I submit to you and bask in your unending peace and love. And I redirect my whole being under your kingdom. Each time I do that, it is a STEP.
Now I am walking. With you. That is the only way to be your follower. There is no passive way. It is an active decision all the time.
Acknowledging your presence...step.
Acknowledging your power and glory and goodness and love.....step.
Accepting your love....step.
Talking and listening to you....step.
Seeing your creation as the incredible miracle that it is....step.
Reflecting on truth....step.
Your love is unending, unstoppable, unconditional....step.
You did not come to offer condemnation, but freedom....step.
My brief time on this earth is so limited, my eternity is with you....step.
In this world, I will suffer....step.
But you promise me joy in my suffering and eternity of peace and joy....step.
You did not come to be served, but to serve....step.
I am not here to be served, but to serve....step.
I am yours....step.
Use me....step.
Fill me with your transforming spirit of love, grace, wisdom and mercy....step.
I commit Lord, to WALKING with you. I will stumble. I will fall. I will stop in my tracks. Because I am a sinner and I am living in this cloudy world that blocks the son from my view. But, I commit to abiding in you. To accepting your gifts. To take STEPS. Please be a powerful presence in my life. Remind me. Prompt me. Keep me in your light.


T$ said...

I love you.

sandra k said...

This is amazing! Thank you for sharing.

Little Rose of Sharon said...

thanks for the encouragment and word picture.

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