About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

VIM for 2012

Deep breath in.........and let it out........ahhhhhhh. Life is good.
Fantabulous celebration ringing in the new year with friends last night. We were close enough to times square to see fireworks, but not close enough to be trampled in the stampede of insanity. And as we made our way out of Manhattan at 1:30am, the girls had a great time mocking Beiber sightings every time we passed a limo or a car with tinted windows.
Today we carried on our annual tradition of indulging in succulent fillet on new year's day while visiting with friends and watching football.
This morning we had a small group at church. Many are still out of town, many were probably still in bed. But, it was such a sweet time of sharing. We discussed our highlights from 2011 and how we felt God move in our lives. We discussed some hopes, dreams and goals for 2012 and even faced the sobering reality that, based on statistics, a high percentage of those goals would not be met. We learned the acronym VIM. In order to truly achieve a goal, one author claims that following the VIM format is one way to greatly increase your likelihood of success.
V = Vision
I = Intent
M= Means
We were then challenged to apply this to our spiritual goals. Because, as followers of Jesus, we should be aspiring to grow closer to God and to grow in likeness to Jesus. If we approach that without vision, intent, and means, we will not grow closer.
My vision is to live as a disciple of Jesus, living out the values of his kingdom, doing my part to see his will done on earth as it is in heaven.
My intent is to become less selfish and more outward focused. To serve God and others before myself. To be a true servant of my Lord.
My means is to commit to praying daily for God to show me His plan. To LISTEN for His plans instead of telling him mine. To pray for others. And, finally, to set measurable accountability weekly with my prayer partner to report my progress and shortcomings.
My other resolutions are to improve at remembering peoples' names. I bought a little spiral notebook to help me, and just need to commit to paying better attention in the moment. And to use gentle, kind words when speaking to my kids.
Reflecting on 2011 brings me lots of happiness. Many highlights. I turned 40 this year, which was another time to reflect on past and future. Overall, I feel hopeful and excited for this new year. I hope that each day I grow closer to the woman God created me to be!

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