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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear 16 year old self...

Maybe you've seen the video clip entitled "Dear 16 year old self..."? It's about the dangers of skin cancer and it's worth a watch. Grown ups who have developed skin cancer are recorded warning their 16 year old selves of what NOT to do.
Just got done with a great run on the treadmill. Yep, I'm a fair weather runner. Don't like temps below the mid 30's a whole lot.
I think my most treasured discovery of the last few years has to be Pandora radio. As I reflect on the evolution of my musical intake....records, radio, cassette, cd, satellite radio, ipod, podcasts, pandora. Each modality grew exponentially more enjoyable! What could possibly be next for me to enjoy?
Anyways, today I set the pandora station to "80's workout". And, I couldn't help but formulate my own version of "Dear 16 year old self" as I listened to some tunes that I haven't heard in a long time.
While listening to Michael Jackson's "Beat it" I reminisced about my cheerleading days, doing a pom pom routine to that song.
Dear 11 year old self, Michael Jackson is pretty awesome and does in fact end up being legendary, if a bit crazy. But, you can quit arguing with your mom about who is more influential in the history of music, Michael or Elvis. It's really not worth arguing about. One will forever hold the title of "The king" the other "The king of pop".
While listening to 38 special "I just wanna use your love" (or was that cheap trick?) I thought about how young I was when I started drinking.
Dear 15 year old self, there is so much excitement out there in the world. I know you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and sense of adventure, but trust me when I tell you that adding drinking to every mundane activity is not the solution to your boredom! You are worth so much more than wasting all of that time and energy. God created you for a purpose and if you want an adventure, roll up your sleeves and serve others who are outside of your little bubble of an existence! Find a mission team and sign up for some work that will impact people. Play sports and don't quit teams just because you want more hours at work to fund your drinking money for the weekends! It's all a dead end.
Listening to Debbie Gibson's "I think we're alone now".
Dear 17 year old self, Debbie Gibson isn't a very great singer. You probably know 5 people right now who could do what she does. And, please stop saying you love her song, it's a remake you idiot!
Listening to "Walk this way" by Aerosmith.
Dear 16 year old self, you are going to regret arguing with your friends about which version of "walk this way" is better. Although you want to stay true to your glam rock roots, Run DMC is kicken and the song they do together is fricken awesome and you know it.
Listening to Guns N Roses "Sweet Child O'Mine". Thinking of how many times we played that cassette in the bottle room at Kroger and in the car while cruisin backroads.
Dear 16 year old self, really? Are you really being who you want to be? Don't you have higher aspirations? Why don't you have any dreams or goals or hopes for the future? Let me tell you something...stealing is always wrong. Always. It doesn't matter if it's a bag of chips, or someones trust. Don't steal. Someday you will hold trustworthiness as one of the highest virtues. Be a person who is trustworthy in ALL things. Knock off the stupid crap. Be honest with people all the time.
Dear 16 year old self, don't dress immodestly for attention. What are you trying to prove? You aren't even comfortable with that and you know it, so don't do it.
Dear 16 year old self, you may think your parents are boring? Well, quit your complaining. Believe me, you would not want to trade your parents for anyone else's. They love you, are stable and predictable and care a ton about you. In the future, you will realize that friends coveted your families' stability.
Dear 16 year old self, keep setting standards for yourself and stick to them. When you set boundaries and stick to them, your friends are watching and you are being a positive influence on them. They will tell you later about your positive influence. But, for crying out loud, set higher standards would you?
Dear teenage self, you are so lucky you get to go to so many concerts. Don't get drunk for all of them! You will treasure the memories and what the heck long term memory will there be if you can hardly remember it the next day?
Dear teenage self, would you believe that your 40 year old self could kick your teenage butt? I know for a fact I could out run you. Why don't you realize your natural athletic abilities and push yourself? Quit smoking and drinking, and you could run so dang fast. And, you can work when you are older, play sports now and put some effort into it.
Dear teenage self, There really is a God and not only does He love you, but He can not wait for you to hang out with him. Don't get discouraged by hypocritical people or institutions. That isn't God. God is good. God is available any time. Turn to him, turn to the bible, find some trusted people who can help you grow closer to Him. I know you don't really feel excited about growing into an adult. It all looks pretty boring. And, being close to God might look boring too. Nope. Your life will be full and adventurous and meaningful if you surrender it to God. Life is only boring and mundane if you choose to avoid risk and choose to always stay on the most predictable and least resistant path. That isn't truly living, and you know it. So, take risks. Be bold. Be adventurous. Live life to the fullest. And don't try to hold on to your life. Let it go in service to God and others. Give it away. That is truly living!


Little Rose of Sharon said...

fantastic!!! so smack on!!! You can really speak

T$ said...

I love you no matter what age you are at.