About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, July 5, 2010

summer is here...

I've pretty much been unplugged all week. Feels good. That is one way that I unwind on vacation.
We arrived in Michigan early June 26th. Been enjoying every day here. Spending time with family and friends. Being able to celebrate my nephew's graduation party at my sister's house, my other nephew and niece's birthday party at my brother's house. Relaxing, eating, reading, swimming, and playing each day at Timm's parents house with all of his family. Allowing my girls to be spoiled by loved ones.
It has been truly awesome.
Yes, we have the reality of Timm's mom being sick. And, that sucks. But, how awesome that we have been here to help out in any way possible. Even if it is something as simple as offering her lemonade so she doesn't get dehydrated in the heat. And, God has answered our prayers for her to experience some peace and comfort. We've enjoyed many hours this week together, being fully "in the moment" that God has given us! He is so good.
Today I get to go out with my husband. Earlier this week, we marked our 14th year of marriage. He was out of town that day. But, today we had someone offer to have the girls hang out with them, so Timm and I are going to head out for some one on one time.
We are incredibly blessed and not a moment goes by that I am not praising God for the blessings he has lavished on me!
Summer is here. I will probably continue to go stretches of time being "unplugged". Ahhhh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless you both, always enjoy the moments, the breeze, and the pines, love you guys, Liz