About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, April 19, 2021


 April is National Poetry Month. 

A while back, I was reading a book about poetry and I realized that actually attempting poetry is super vulnerable for me. It goes to such depths.  It's emotion on paper.  It's admitting the depths of awareness, feeling, emotion, uncertainty, confusion, delight.  Trying to express the transcendent.  And, if you don't know me well, you might not know that I prefer thinking to feeling.  Poetry exposes my feely side and I'm just learning to be OK with that part of myself. Plus I have no idea how to write poems.  

But, what the heck.  I have jotted down a few poems in my journal over some years and thought - why not share them here?

Round and round we go
Where is the clock?
Nobody knows.

Stop!  Did you hear that?
A snowflake just fell.
Through the tick and the tock,
I could hardly tell.

Another.  Another. 
Does white carry sound?
Perfect stillness rests
I hear it clanging all around

The morning has broken
The morning in mine
The tick tock, the stillness
The gift of time.

It's there.  Or is it?
It surrounds us, and yet...
With tight fists I grab hold, 
And with open hands I get. 

Stop.  Go.  Stop.  Go...
In motion tremors thrill
but in the ring stands fighting
the desire to be still.

Who will be the victor?
Who takes home the prize?
Can you measure these opponents?
Will they score based on their size?

Run.  Accomplish.  Fight.  Win.
Then worthy you will be.
But stop, reflect, surrender, lose
And victory you might see.  


Too much pain
See the smile
Shut down the heart
Too much pain
The dagger is a threat
I can't let it puncture
Shift, dodge, scroll, move
Keep moving
The blade finds willing flesh
Their words ooze from the wounds
But not me
Keep them all inside
They are my oxygen
My lungs swell
Controlled, alive, protected


Woosh.  Woosh.
A friendly dragon breathes in the morning sun.
The breeze carries it away.
Woosh.  Woosh.
My heart lifts!  
I know this.
I remember this!
It is colors.
Rising on a breeze.
Saying yes to the trees...and then no
Lifting with each exhale
But I lift with each inhale
We're breathing together


Creamy blue palette
Green rustling and swaying
How can I hear a breeze?
Only as it catches what impedes it's path.
How can it be so beautiful?
It's invisible.
Yet, my breath catches in my throat.
Branches sway and leaves dance. 


A lifetime of training
Lean in, not away.
Open arms for an embrace
Answer yes, it's OK.

What are you protecting?
Why is it so hard?
Others make it look so easy.
Let down your guard.

Not sure when it happened.
But training works that way.
I think I'm one of them now
there's nothing I need to say.

Not safe!
There's an enemy among us
we must not make mistakes.

That person isn't the enemy
Defeat is in the space between us
Resist the desire for closeness
Retreat to self protection is a must

Stranger on the street
Move away and nod discreetly
Hold your breath and speculate
Wish the categories lined up neatly.

Us and them
Nothing makes sense
Do I make exceptions
in my line of defense?

Can I?  Should I/
Who do I ask?
Knowing right and wrong
Has become and impossible task.

What felt like selfless and loving
has become a selfish act.
Do you want to be part of the problem?
All invitations you must retract.

It won't always be this way
Don't let it harden your heart
Grieve the temporary loss
And let perfect love do it's part.

There's no condemnation in love
No judgement, no keeping score
No fear, no worry, no envy, no pride
And when it runs out, there is more!

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