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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


The truth is too good for us to grasp. 
The good news is so good - we can't wrap our heads around it.
Grace is so radical and inclusive - we don't know how to speak of it.
John 8
32 You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free
36 If the son sets you free, you are free indeed
Freedom is so outrageous, it might scare us a little.
Because, deep down, we're more comfortable as slaves.
We understand the boundaries of slavery.
As slaves, we have something to blame outside of ourselves.
We might be slaves to an institution with rules, boundaries, laws and clear lines we can't cross.
We might be slaves to things that repress us like the desire for approval, the desire for comfort and security, the desire to avoid hard things, etc.
We might be slaves to self, selfishness, self promotion and self preservation.
Freedom is a bit scary.
Where are the boundaries?
What are the rules and laws?
How do we know when too much is too much?
How do we measure if things are fair and just?
How do we maintain order and control?
How do we rule, govern, decide what's right/wrong, in/out, acceptable/unacceptable?
We don't.
We submit control to our King.  And we live FREE.
We don't get to control, judge, govern, and create the boundaries.
We live by the law of this Free Kingdom.
The law is this: Love.
That's it.
Love God.
Love Others.
Love God - respect, honor, submit to Him as good and trustworthy.
Love Others - treat every person as you would want them to treat you.
It's too beautiful for us.
We're drawn to slavery.
We want clear lines so we can judge ourselves and others.
Freedom is messy.
It requires more from us!
It's bigger.  It's outrageous.  It's love beyond our comprehension.
It stretches our hearts and minds to our limits, then asks us to stretch more.
Sin is when we choose slavery over freedom.
When we don't trust in freedom, but instead trust in something else.
I was created for it and the deepest part of me longs for it.
It's challenging and scary.  It's expansive.  It requires more of me.  It stretches my heart and mind.
I'm up for the challenge.

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