About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

hangin with liverwurst

Me and Olivia hanging out on a Saturday night.
She even turned down an offer to play with a neighbor girl because she wants to hang with ME!
Oh, how I cherish these times.
I injured my leg, so I am taking it easy.  We ordered chinese food and Olivia walked all by herself to pick it up.  She was so proud and happy to have the independence!
Right now, she is frantically scribbling down words in her "writing notebook" for homework.  She is wondering how she can finish this story and also do her other homework, as it is already 7 pages long and she is going strong.
Meanwhile, I am tap tap tapping away on the keys of the computer, writing this.
We both love to write.
Last night, she was alone in a room and I wasn't sure what she was doing.  i went in to see if she wanted to go to bed soon, and I found her passed out on the tiny couch with a notepad on her chest.  I should have taken a photo.
The notebook was a "book of lists"
The list she had just completed was, "Things I need to do at least once"
Here are the 10 things penciled in her neat handwriting:
1 - go on the witches wheel
2 - go to six flags
3 - be a bridesmaid
4 - give my life to God
5 - move to Michigan
6 - walk the hall of fame
7 - start a movement
8 - invent a revolution
9 - improve a life
10 - Improve ME
Of course, I just looked at that list and loved it.
The way Olivia thinks is always so intriguing to me. In some ways, she is the most childish, playful, carefree person I have ever met and in other ways, she can have these deep, mature trains of thought.  So fun.
That's all.  Lots on my mind.  Could write about a lot of things.
But, we are getting ready to watch "the muppets take manhattan"
I'm not sure why God has chosen to allow so many blessings flood my life. But, I have a heart full of gratitude.  And, although my future appears to be unknown and that is a little scary, isn't it always unknown and we simply fool ourselves by believing it is somehow within our control?

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