About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Ahhhh. I can't recall a Memorial Day weekend with weather this awesome. We always HOPE for it, and make the plans to camp, BBQ, swim, etc. But, then it seems to end up being in the 50's, cloudy and drizzly!
So, I struggled yesterday, when the temps were a perfect 76 and I had no plans for the day, and I just didn't have my normal energy to take advantage of it. So, aside from taking the girls back and forth to their dance classes and taking a bike ride to a stoop sale (where I found sweet roller blades for Liv and a pogo stick and some books), I laid around and read all day.
Thing is, I needed the rest. By body was telling me to STOP. And, I need to listen to my body. I feel great today. But, I was reading some facebook posts and everyone wrote about their exhausting day of yardwork or going to the beach, and I felt strange that I laid around all day!
I did meet up with some friends in the city last night for dinner. But, even that seemed to take up all my energy. I just didn't have my "zing" yesterday.
Anyways, today is supposed to be 88, tomorrow 86. Today we are helping our neighbors organize their apartment. I'm sure we will take a break at some point, and throw some steaks on the grill!
But, tomorrow we hit the beach. Not sure which one yet, but we are looking forward to lounging by the Atlantic Ocean and having a fun family day taking advantage of the nice weather.
Happy Memorial Day weekend to all. And, thank you to all those who have served our country in the armed forces. And, to those who have given their lives as a sacrifice to serve this country. You are remembered!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Well, I guess I was paid back this morning.
See, as much as I try not to, I still find myself administering the good old "mom guilt trips" on my kids on a regular basis. It's just IN me somewhere and it comes out. Little things like saying (most likely in a sarcastic tone) "Yes, go ahead and have the frozen fruit bar. Even though it is the last one and I haven't even gotten one myself. I'll just have one next time I buy a box I guess....geesh...I guess i have to eat stuff faster around here if I want to get anything."
That's real nice, aye? So, I'm saying "yes" but loading a bunch of guilt on top. Gross.
So, it's awfully nice that my kids don't often seem to load me with a bunch of guilt in return. Mostly if I am feeling guilty or inadequate, I've loaded on myself.
HOWEVER....they do a have a few arsenals with which they can attack me right in the heart. This morning they loaded, aimed, and fired.
Alli was showing me the birthday card she was getting ready to send Grandma in Michigan. In it she says that she doesn't want to be in New York anymore. So, of course, that makes me feel sad for her and I ask her about it.
Both girls proceed with tears and grief about how they feel like they aren't really at "home" but on vacation somewhere and all they do in miss Michigan where they feel they are at "home". Olivia said, and I quote "this isn't living...." Ugh. It seriously feels like a punch right in the gut when my kids are missing family and friends and life in Michigan.
I listened and empathized and validated their feelings. But, I did have to gently point out that MOST of the time they are very happy and fulfilled and engaged in a life with lots of joy. And, there have been many times, during down time, when I suggest that they might want to call or skype someone from Michigan and they don't want to? Why? Not because they don't miss them. They definitely MISS them, but they are also LIVING a life here and doing things and are engaged in whatever they are doing.
I didn't press my point. I mainly listened and said I was sorry they felt that way. And, I gave big hugs and kisses. But, when they say things like "this isn't living...." and "I feel like we are on vacation and I'm just done and want to go home now...." I am buried alive...in GUILT!
I hope I never give them that kind of guilt trip. I know they are just sharing their heart and I appreciate it SO MUCH. But, I never want to burden them with the kind of guilt I experience. But, I do know that I pour on the guilt trips way too often, and let this be a lesson to me that it is an awful thing to pour onto someone!

Monday, May 17, 2010

one outta two ain't bad

I'm not normally one to make new year's resolutions. Just seems kinda dumb. If you want to change something, just do it. Why wait for a new year? But, I will admit that this year, I thought of a couple things around the new year and decided I'd try to make some changes.
So, one outta two ain't bad, right? Actually, it's pathetic, so I guess it's confession time.
First, I have succeeded in NOT getting a tan! YAY! For those of you who know me, that is a big deal. I went to Florida, and I have had many nice sunny days here in NYC. It is mid may and I am NOT tanned. I am attempting to take better care of my skin. I'm still all about being outdoors in the sun. I believe it benefits me in many ways (vitamin D, release of nuero transmitters, etc) But, I am trying not to damage my skin. Trying to wear sunscreen and not spend too much time in direct sunlight without it. So far, I'm doing OK.
Second, I have not succeeded in making it a habit to floss every day. There, I admitted it. Gross. I am not in the flossing habit and I need to be.
Perhaps you could hold me accountable and periodically ask me if I flossed today? But, be prepared for me to snap at you. I don't like being called out on things!

birthweek continued...

As I sit here munching on delicious fruit leftover from Olivia's birthday party, I reflect on the celebrations of the week. First of all, how cool is it when you ask your kid what kind of munchies she wants at her birthday party and she thinks it over and answers "Well, me and my friends all really like fruits and vegetable a lot, so can we have lots of fruits and veggies to munch on?" Ummm, SURE! Anyways, here is a picture of Liv and Alli on the morning of May 12th. After Olivia awoke to signs plastered all over, she opened her present, then we all went out to breakfast as a family before school. We had never done that before and it was very fun.
That evening, Timm was out of town, but the girls and Mama went out to Chuck E Cheese for games and pizza!
Olivia had shared some yummy cupcake cones with her class, and when we got home after chuck e cheese, we used one of the leftovers to light a candle and sing!
I don't have pictures from Friday night when we had a chocolate cake and ice cream and sang happy birthday to Liv with close friends! But, this picture of Liv and Timm is on Saturday night. We went to Red Hook and visited a multitude of taco trucks that line the street near a large soccer field. We tried many things! Palupas from the Dominican, Arepas con queso, Empanadas, taco con carne asada, tostada, mango juice, and another juice...what was it called again??? Don't remember. After that, we went to the water and had some dessert while we watched the sun set behind the statue of liberty. COME ON!
Alli said "this is the best food I've ever tasted in my life". I think we will be visiting the taco trucks again!
Alli is the Sole Survivor! She is awarded the million dollars as well as a prize (mud puddle pie mix in a bucket). We had a survivor birthday party. We didn't vote anyone off, but we did do challenges (Alli won the most). And, Jeff (Timm) did an auction where the items were not revealed until the bidding was done.
ONe of the challenges was fishing.
I think Olivia had a little bit of FUN! Look at that face.

Monday, May 10, 2010

daddy date

Dang. Still do not know how to turn photos. Daddy and Livvy going on a date tonight. To Carnegie Hall! Seems we are getting in the habit around here of having a BIRTH-WEEK celebration rather than a BIRTHDAY celebration!
Let the celebrating begin!!!!

a few pics

Here are a few pics of flowers as I was walking down the sidewalk. At first I thought the flowers here were much prettier. Later I realized that I am not sure if they are necessarily more pretty, but they are much CLOSER for the viewing. You can walk along and see them right in your face all day long. In Michigan, they were a quarter mile away past a big long driveway and yard.

Mother's day! Dinner with a good friend and my family!
Babysitting for cutie pie!
If you have never messed around with photo booth on an apple computer, here is a sample of the fun. My advice, empty your bladder before you start playing. It is too funny.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I hope you DANCE

These are a few pics from the school dance last Friday night. It was a luau theme. So, here are the girls posing in the surfer thing. Cute. And, below, Alli is dancing with her friends.
Here is Olivia dressed up and ready to DANCE the night away.

I have to admit, I am a real sucker for the song "I hope you dance". I can't even sing it without choking up. Because, that is what I want for my girls. If they have the chance to sit it out, or dance, I hope they DANCE!
And, come to find out, both of my girls are discovering a real passion for dance. They have played dress up and danced around our home for as long as I can remember. But, this year, they have BOTH come to LOVE their dance classes.
We have tried to expose them both to a variety of activities to see what they really love to do. And, by last year, it became clear that Alli really loves dance and performing arts. With Olivia, I just wasn't sure.
Well, it has become more clear that Olivia too has a passion for dancing! And, it brings absolute joy to my heart.
Today we were talking about enrolling in the dance studio for next year and what classes they might take. We talked a little bit about the expense involved. And, I was just honest with the girls about the sacrifice we will have to make financially to make it fit in our budget to do dance. And, Olivia said, "I'll give up anything to do dance. I'll give up going to Cedar Point if I have to. I just want to do dance more than anything!" Keep in mind, they are currently involved in the "Spring Sampler Session" where they can sample as many classes as they want. They are both doing 4 classes per week!!!! So, for Olivia to say that right now, I know she means it. Usually she gets tired of anything that takes up too much of her time. Not dance!
And, Olivia even got asked to enroll in an "invitation only" class that the owner of the studio is teaching next year because she sees Olivia's potential.
Sorry, I know I brag a lot about my kids, but if it bothers you, you should probably stop reading this blog because I don't see myself letting up any time soon on the bragging!

hey, what's.......that smell?

This morning I took time to stop and smell the flowers. The girls and I just about sniffed the fragrance right outta this bush on our way to school.
After dropping the girls at school, I was running in the park and thinking about lilacs being my favorite spring fragrance when suddenly....WHAM....I was hit by a smell that is clearly a contestor for that favorite category......freshly....cut....grasssssss.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, I just got back from a run in beautiful Prospect Park. Thank you God for placing us so close to that refuge of nature!!
When I am in the park, and I see the green, green, green of the grass, the wild growth, the various trees reaching high into the clouds....where I then see the blue, blue, blue, BLUE of the sky as a backdrop for the GREEN. So vibrant and bright and beautiful. When I see that, I think our spoken and written language is really lacking something. Because there is no way to describe those colors by saying the word "green" or "blue". It is more than a color or a word. It is an experience. It is something that is experienced at a spiritual level. When I see those colors, my spirit lifts and I am in complete worship of the creator of all things beautiful.
Some people equate worship with singing certain songs. Don't miss out on worship experiences that involve all of the incredible senses God gave you.
Stop and look around you. Feel the breeze on your skin. Smell the scents. Listen to sounds that bring you joy. Taste things in a new way. Experience things in a way that goes beyond explanation with words and can only be experienced at a spiritual level. Worship!
What has brought you to a place of pure adoration and worship lately?

Monday, May 3, 2010

party's over

Wow. Fun weekend. But, today the rain is here. It's Monday. Party's over.
Friday night school dance. Very fun! DJ got everyone out dancing. Well, not everyone, but all the kids, and the cool parents like Timm and I. Then we had neighbors over later, sat on the terrace for a couple of drinks and snacks, then watched the "Food Inc" dvd. I was right, it motivated me to take more steps towards purchasing and eating organic. I'd recommend watching it.
Saturday morning, awoke to 70 degrees, temps climbed to 88 throughout the day. We did a 5K as a family to support PTA. I tried not to get my expectations up to high that the girls would love it and push themselves to finish at a quick pace. So, when they smiled triumphantly while crossing the finish line at 1 hour and 7 min.....I smiled with them :) They finished! And they received a ribbon.
Later Saturday afternoon, the girls took two hours of dance classes. Their studio does a "Spring Sampler Session" and the girls can take as many classes as they want for 6 weeks! They are SO excited about dance right now! It is awesome. But, they were tired out.
While they were at dance, I took a bike ride, and hit some "stoop sales" in our neighborhood. YAY! One of my favorite things to do!!!
Burgers on the grill, sitting on the terrace for dinner. Ahhh, felt like summer.
Sunday we had a potluck at church, we all pigged out and enjoyed visiting with everyone.
Sunday evening, after going grocery shopping and picking up some goods for the upcoming "cinco de mayo", Timm had to test out his margarita skills. So, we sat on the terrace playing scrabble, he with his margarita, me with my beer.
Are you sure it's not summer???
But, it is Monday. Back to reality.
However, we do plan to have a little fun dinner party on Wednesday for "cinco de mayo".
May is here. Olivia's b-day is coming up. She is counting down the days!!!!